
The Hotspur Home

Sonja Stein


A solution to the overpopulation of starlings. An inviting home that houses a trap to catch these invasive birds in order to control the population. 

Quick iterations to discover a shape that would make an interesting shape for a bird to sit. Hole size and placement as well as the birds' nesting ability were explored throughout the forms. 

Technical drawings that go with written manufacturing instructions

With these forms in mind and an interest in jute as a material, a quick version of a possible form was drawn up in Solidworks.   

With the shape in mind, a prototype was fabricated with reused yarn and rope simulating the jute. The shape was a bit pointed at the top so in future iterations the top increased in size allowing for a more cylindrical shape.    

Thick brown paper prototype packaging with a printed label (left) illustrated guide on how to build an easy spring trap for the inside of the house to capture starlings (right)

Website houses research, recipes, and a storefront for the Hotspur Home